Welcome to Dinger's Dogs!
We Health Test!
We test for JHC!
All our dogs are tested for Juvenile Hereditary Cataracts. Every dog here is tested clear/non-carrier. When you get a pup from two clear parents, your puppy is always clear! It is so important to buy a pup from a breeder that does this genetic test! If you do not buy a pup from us, please ask for proof from the breeder you use to make sure that the parents are both clear! DO NOT just take a breeders word for it! Ask to see the genetic test! If a breeder cannot provide proof, move on and find another breeder. The most popular excuse breeders use for not testing is, "We have been breeding for so many years, and have never had a problem". Maybe they have, maybe they haven't and just don't want to tell you. If they have gotten lucky to never have a problem, it is just that, LUCK! Eventually that luck will wear out. When we first started testing, we found two of our dogs were carriers. Our luck would have run out if we didn't test and bred those two together. But since we tested, they were spayed and neutered and no puppies from us will ever suffer from this. You can get three results when you test, CLEAR, CARRIER, or AFFECTED. Clear is just that, clear. Dog tested negative for the Hereditary Cataract gene mutation, and will not pass on the defective gene to its offspring. Affected is just that, affected. This dog will have Juvenile Hereditary Cataracts. The dog carries two copies of the mutant gene and is homozygous for Hereditary Cataracts. The dog is affected by HSF4-Hereditary Cataracts, and will always pass on a copy of the mutated gene to its offspring.The dog carries two copies of the mutant gene and is homozygous for Hereditary Cataracts. The dog is affected by HSF4-Hereditary Cataracts, and will always pass on a copy of the mutated gene to its offspring. Carrier means Both the normal and mutant copies of the gene detected. Dog is a carrier for Hereditary Cataracts, and can pass on a copy of the defective gene to any offspring. When you breed two carrier dogs together you will get affected puppies! So the breeder who tells you that his/her dogs can see just fine and have no cataracts, may, but their puppies could!